Product code: CAMPLUS
To program the machining centres, Emmegi offers the CAMPLUS software (which can be integrated with the additional forms SHAPE, DRIVER-CAD and DRIVER-CL). CAMPLUS allows you to program machining graphically in 3D, displaying the profile and the tool. The software includes the most frequent figures (holes, slots, rectangles, etc.), which can be broadened with the additional option SHAPE, which is used to freely design figures of any shape. With the DRIVER-CAD option, designs made with CAD-3D programs can be imported. For those who work in the window/door manufacturing sector, CAMPLUS is fully integrated with EmmegiSoft’s FP PRO calculation software, and is also interfaceable, through the DRIVER-CL option, with the most widely available software on the market.
> Can be configured for 3-, 4- and 5-axis machining centres, even with angle machining heads.
> Real graphic display of the piece and tool.
> Handles milling, drilling, tapping tools, counter-sinks, touch probes and blades. Handles special tools (aludrill, hobbing machines, flow drill, etc.).
> Instant availability of “standard” parametric figures: holes, slots, pockets, key-holes, undercuts, end milling, cuts, arcs, etc.
> Graphically defines the machining position, selecting the points directly on the profile: ends, midlines, chambers, nibs, etc.
> Defines multiple depths in tables.
> Simulates execution of the machining operations, checking for any possible collisions.
> Graphically prints out the piece with the machining operations.